Led by

Dr Leandro Garcia

Lecturer of Complexity Science and Public Health (GroundsWell consortium)

Queen's University Belfast

Jeremy Hilton, VR, CEng

Senior Lecturer in Complex Systems (GroundsWell consortium)

Cranfield University

Dr Philip Garnett

Associate Professor in Systems and Organisation (ActEarly consortium)

University of York

Group overview

To help close this gap, this Interest Group will connect members and partners from the prevention research community interested in systems thinking and complex systems approaches for public health research. We will continue to provide a venue for the exchange of successes, problems, ideas, knowledge, experiences, and resources emerging across the prevention research community. With that, we expect to promote the use of existing systems thinking and complex systems approaches and build on what we have learned up to now. From this prior work, and the webinar series we held, it emerged that a focus moving forward should be on the initial stages of adopting a systems approach, and the early steps that could or perhaps should be taken in order for public health researchers to utilise these approaches efficiently and effectively.