The second UK Prevention Research Partnership (UKPRP) annual conference was held virtually on 20 September 2022. The conference had a UKPRP community focus and was well attended by the stakeholders. The format of the event was a mixture of keynote speeches and presentations, panel discussions and interactive breakout group discussions. The objectives of the conference were:

  • Receive updates from the UKPRP-funded awards, including research outputs, achievements to date, and plans of the UKPRP networks.
  • Share learning across the UKPRP-funded consortia and networks.
  • Provide a platform for discussions on key themes; including impact oriented research, commercial interactions and systems thinking.
  • Networking opportunity between the UKPRP consortia, networks, funders and Scientific Advisory Board

The event was organised by the UKPRP Secretariat in consultation with the UKPRP Community of Practice and UKPRP Funders. Recordings from the conference are available below.